About Insanity Racing
We are a small family team that has a love of motor sport and especially Cross Country or Safari racing. We marshal at events and rallies as well as Racing (mainly in the AWDC, BXCC and some Scottish Hill Rally events).
We bought our first car very cheap entered some events and had so much fun we have just kept competing learning all the time. We then built a new car that we are still running now and still learning. We built and run the car on virtually no budget upgrading or replacing things as they break, so competing with some of the very sophisticated cars on the track is "interesting"
How we decided on the team name
First a key point, the name "Insanity Racing" is not referring to the nature of motor sport nor anyone involved.
Having been around off-road & Cross Country motor sport for many years as a spectator and marshal and being in and around the service areas helping out where ever possible and after I was given a rally driving day as a gift, I decided I would like to give running and driving my own car a try.
The name came about because of how I was feeling after I purchased the car to get involved in Cross Country motor racing.
It was while I was driving the UK motorway network with a large rented car transporter/trailer and, on my way to collect the first "Race car" with plenty of time to think , I started questioning what was I doing and why was I doing it? Was this a "mid-life crisis" or was I truly going insane? Thus the name for our new car became "Insanity", shortly thereafter we started calling our little family group/team Insanity Racing.
The only warning that I will give at this stage to any one else that is thinking of giving this a try, is that it becomes addictive very quickly.

Later on we built the new car.
This is us at the 2018 Welsh Hill Rally, held on a very hot weekend at Walters Arena south Wales.
How we got started.
As has already been said; Insanity Racing is a cross country (or off-road) race team originally started as an experiment! to see;
"If I liked driving in cross country motor sport events".
Having been on the sidelines for many years I felt I had become familiar with the format and I had started to get to know some of the people.
I purchased my first car a Land Rover, Discovery 1 and I went about preparing the car and myself to enter a "British Cross Country Championship" event.
At the end of 2011, I entered my first event, joining the last event of the BCCC season at Nescliff, as a club man entry with the help of a "brave" and experienced navigator.
This event proved to be a lot of fun and taught me a lot about both myself, the car and our capabilities, sometimes exceeding both.
Over the years racing these cars we have had breakdowns, we have rolled the cars a couple of times and we have also had the joy of receiving class wins and podium places but most of all we have a lot of fun.
If anyone has any photos that they are willing to contribute please feel free to contact us;
See the contacts page.
or you can have a look at the team Facebook page for current updates.