Fuel tanks - Insanity Racing

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Fuel tanks

The cars > Developments and changes
One other little thing that seamed to repeatedly cause trouble over the years hasbeen that for some reason I kept having issues with the fuel tanks and during the event at Ebbw vale it became apparent that another fuel tank had developed leaks.
This was the first fuel tank:
Initially it was bolted directly to the floor via some pillars to raise it from the bed to accommodate the sump in the tank.
I have subsequently learnt that this does not allow the tank any free movement and subsequently the tank will fail. This is largely due to the twisting stresses applied through the “ridged” tank during an event the tank tends to crack along seems and the heat affected zones around welded joints etc.
Some of the varoius fuel tanks fitted (and failed).
A latter attempt at fitting the tank involved creating a subframe using two lengths of aluminium box section and this was mounted through some rubber mountings (in this case engine mounts) this also proved to be too stiff and the tank failed
The staining on the tank indicates that its the welding and the heat affected zones around welded joints that repeatedly fails on these design of fuel tanks.
This was the third tank fitted to the car in the space of a year. Suffice to say I did not replace the tank from the same supplier after this!
Another new tank now resides in its place.
This new tank uses straps to secure it rather that the brackets welded directly to the tank. In this case the tank sits on a rubber mat to act as an insulator and facilitate some degree of flexibility whilst retaining the tank securely in place. Initially I used some straps I made myself from strips of aluminium sheet, latter these where replaced using the same style of straps that are used to secure gas tanks in the rear of cars or vans, this works a lot better as there is more adjustment available on the latter straps.
N.B. The tank MUST always be electrically earthed to the body of the car to avoid the risk of static or electrical discharges creating sparks etc.
So far this appears to have reduced the stress loads and is proving much more reliable.
And finally;
To allow the fitting of a spare wheel carrier to be able to enter the 2018 Welsh Hill Rally (our first), the tank and battery box along with all the fuel pumps filters etc. have been relocated in the rear of the car.
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